114學年度行事曆(20250319);2025-2026 NTHU Academic Calendar (20250319)
113學年度行事曆;2024-2025 NTHU Academic Calendar
1. 如個人未使用GOOGLE日曆,可直接連結下網址查閱: http://www.google.com/calendar/embed?src=nthu.acad@gmail.com&ctz=Asia/Taipei
2. 如已使用個人日曆,可於日曆左下方「其他日曆」→「+」(新增其他日曆)→訂閱日曆 →輸入nthu.acad@gmail.com
3. 如欲新增使用GOOGLE日曆,請於GOOGLE首頁左上方「更多」→日曆 →登入E-MAIL帳號、設定密碼→如說明2。
4. 如須將本校GOOGLE行事曆匯入您的Outlook行事曆中,請下載匯入檔(請點選連結)
NTHU Academic Calendar has been setup in GOOGLE calendar, please follow the instructions below:
1. If you do not have GOOGLE calendar, you can look up NTHU Academic Calendar through hyperlink:
2. If you already have GOOGLE calendar, you can add NTHU Academic Calendar by clicking “Other calendars” on the left side and input nthu.acad@gmail.com
3. If you would like to import NTHU Academic Calendar into your Outlook calendar, please download the file with the link .