Announcement of the 2022 Outstanding Teaching Award

Announcement of the 2022 Outstanding Teaching Award


The 2022 Outstanding Teaching Award Committee was held on may 29, 2022. The winners of the award are listed as follows, congratulations to the teachers who have won the award!



Department of Mathematics

A.P. Shin-Yao Jow

數學系 卓士堯 副教授


Department of Mathematics

Prof. Jyh-Haur Teh

數學系 鄭志豪 教授


Department of Physics

Prof. Tsun-Hsu Chang

物理系 張存續 教授


Department of Chemistry

A.P. Li-Kang Chu

化學系 朱立岡 副教授


Department of Power Mechanical Engineering

Prof. Wei-Chung Wang

動機系 王偉中 教授


Department of Power Mechanical Engineering

Asst. Prof. Chun-Hsien Liu

動機系 劉俊賢 助理教授


Department of Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management

Asst. Prof. Jun-Ming Lu

工工系 盧俊銘 助理教授


Institute of Biomedical Engineering

Prof. Yun-ching Chen

醫工所 陳韻晶 教授


Department of Biomedical Engineering and Environmental Sciences

A.P. Shang-Hsiu Hu

醫環系 胡尚秀 副教授


Department of Chinese Literature

A.P. Shih-Lung Lo

中文系 羅仕龍 副教授


Institute of Anthropology

Asst. Prof. Hao-Li Lin

人類所 林浩立 助理教授


Department of Computer Science

Prof. Wing-Kai Hon

資工系 韓永楷 教授


Department of Electrical Engineering

Prof. Chen-Bin Huang

電機系 黃承彬 教授


Department of Economics

Prof. Chao-Ning Liao

經濟系 廖肇寧 教授


Institute of Service Sciences

Prof. Soumya Ray

服科所 雷松亞 教授


Department of Early Childhood Education

A.P. Yu-Ju Chou

幼教系 周育如 副教授


Institute of Learning Sciences and Technologies

A.P. Kuo-Liang Ou

學科所 區國良 副教授