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Announcement of the 2023 Outstanding Teaching Award

Announcement of the 2023 Outstanding Teaching Award



The 2023 Outstanding Teaching Award Committee was held on May 28, 2023. The winners of the award are listed as follows, congratulations to the teachers who have won the award!




Department of Chemistry

A.P. Chia-Chun Chou

化學系 周佳駿 副教授


Department of Chemical Engineering

A.P. Jane Wang

化工系 王潔 副教授


Department of Power Mechanical Engineering

Prof. Sheng-Shian Li

動機系 李昇憲 教授


Department of Materials Science and Engineering

Prof. Shou-Yi Chang

材料系 張守一 教授


Department of Materials Science and Engineering

A.P. Han-Yi Chen

材料系 陳翰儀 副教授


Department of Engineering and System Science

Prof. Tsung-Kuang Yeh

工科系 葉宗洸 教授


Institute of History

Asst. Prof. Kuo-Sheng Wu

歷史所 吳國聖 助理教授


Department of Computer Science

Prof. Yi-Shin Chen

資工系 陳宜欣 教授


Department of Computer Science

Prof. Shun-Ren Yang

資工系 楊舜仁 教授


Department of Quantitative Finance

A.P. Tzu-Hao Tsai

計財系 蔡子晧 副教授


Institute of Law for Science and Technology

A.P. Wan-Yu Chen

科法所 陳宛妤 副教授


Institute of Service Sciences

Prof. Galit Shmueli

服科所 徐茉莉 教授


Department of Early Childhood Education

A.P. Hsieh, M. F

幼教系 謝明芳 副教授


Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling

Asst. Prof. Yen-Ping Chang

心諮系 張硯評 助理教授


Department of Arts and Design

Prof.  Ming-Twen Shiau

藝設系 蕭銘芚 教授


Center for General Education

A.P. Tien-Sze Fang

通識中心 方天賜 副教授


Physical Education

Asst. Prof. Hui-Fang Szu

體育室 施惠方 助理教授



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